Skin Care Tips for Bridal before Wedding

When the wedding date of a girl is fixed then she wants to improve her beauty. She cares her and sensitive about her beauty. Every bride wants to look excellent and more beautiful on their wedding day, because bridal knows every camera and looks will on her. The relative and gust of the bridal look at her on this beautiful wedding day. The friends of bridal decorate to bride with makeup and other product. Mostly girls fallow natural beauty tips for bride on her wedding day. Beauty tips are the place to go when you need to know about the skin care preparation and other Beauty tips topics.
If you’re wedding date has been fixed and you have 2 to 3 months than you should follow the natural tips. If you follow these natural tips you will look very beautiful on your wedding day.

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Skin Care Tips  For Bridal Before Wedding:

1)      First of all every bride test your skin and then use products according to your skin.

2)      Every bridal 3 to 3 month before do facial and after that 20 to 25 day days with natural product.

3)      Take plenty of water. At least 10 glasses per day and eat 1 to 2 orange daily.

4)      Do not use soap. Always wash your face with important face wash.

5)      Use Cleaning and skin tonic regularly.

6)      For the body fitness of girl before the wedding exercise daily 20 to 30 minutes.

7)      Use lemon daily on your face and leave for 10 to 15 minutes.

8)      Waxing and threading is very important for beauty of bridal.

9)      Makeup should be water proof on the wedding day of bridal.

10)  Yogurt is main factor for bridal beauty.

11)  Keep away from fast foods and drinks.

12)   Oily Skin: Serums and gel treatments are very important for increase the beauty of bridal on her wedding.

13)   Dry Skin: Milky cleaners and heavy moisturizers work beat to cure dry skin of bride.

14)   Aging Skin:

15)   Skin firming treatment can be done at home.

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16)   Dull Skin: A skin invigorating treatment is much better for dull skin of the brida

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