Acne Tips In Urdu


Acne can be a very irritating condition due to the painful and unattractive breakouts. This is a complex skin condition as there are many factors that contribute to it. An individual in order to have an acne-free skin should make some lifestyle changes to maintain a clear complexion. Acne can be caused due to various reasons. But, by taking care of your body you can get rid of it, prevent it, and by regular skin care even get rid of the blemishes. Acne being a complex skin condition calls for many measures to fight the skin infection. Let us discuss the various measures that will help to combat this condition.

5 Important Measures to Prevent Acne

#1 - Detox
If you have been suffering from acne for a long time and many treatment didn't work for you, then consider a detox plan. There are many ways to detox the body. You can follow one day or two day detox, or a week's detox. Salt water flush is a good detox that you can consider. However, if you have a medical condition then consult your doctor before you take up a detox plan. So, why am I emphasizing on detox? This is because many people suffer from acne due to constipation. If you have constipation-related problems then going through a detox will immensely help cleanse your system from the inside. This will bring a healthy glow to your skin and prevent acne.

#2 - Healthy Skin Diet
Unhealthy diets contribute a lot to oily, acne-prone skin. However, eating the right fats can actually restore your skin's health. So, follow a skin-friendly diet. The diet should be such that it contain a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid fried foods, instead learn healthy ways of cooking like grilling, steaming, baking, etc. Eat lean proteins like turkey. Also, avoid the bad fats and eat Mediterranean-style fats like olive oil, nuts, fish, etc. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and sodas. Instead drink plenty of water throughout the day and 2 - 3 cups of green tea. Drinking a lot of water and green tea will serve as your daily detox. One excellent way to fight acne is to drink fresh carrot juice without sugar. Carrot juice has great benefits for skin and it helps to fight acne, scars, sun damage, and makes the complexion brighter.

#3 - Skin Cleansing
Skin cleansing is important to prevent and cure acne. There are many ways to do it. A simple way to do this is to keep washing the face with lukewarm water. Acne occurs when the bacteria on a clogged skin pore grows. This causes inflammation which gives rise to pimples. By washing your face you will be removing dirt, and using lukewarm water the sebum from skin will dissolve and the bacteria too will be washed away. For deeper cleansing, use a mild cleanser which suits your skin type. Clean and Clear face wash is a good mild cleanser. You can wash your face with a face wash twice a day. Rest of the day you can use lukewarm water to wash your face. In case you don't have lukewarm water, plain tap water will do.

#4 - Acne Treatment Products
Apart from using the face cleanser, you will also need a very good topical treatment to treat the blackheads, whiteheads, and zits. The best acne treatment product when you have pimples is Johnson & Johnson Persa Gel. This is a classic product which has been used to get rid of acne. It works for sensitive skin too. However, another great product is DDF BP Gel 5% with tea tree oil. Try out both to see which one suits you.

You can also use ice on the zits in case you have to go to a party or any important occasion. Ice will reduce the inflammation, and acne is an inflammatory skin condition. This will make the zits look smaller. Using regular scrubs and face mask for acne-prone skin will improve your complexion further. Try out some OTC products or make your own at home to care for the acne-prone skin. Here are two homemade remedies. Make powder of rice and mix it with yogurt to make a scrub. Scrub your face with it for 10 minutes. Before scrubbing, take steam with steaming water which has 2 teaspoons of turmeric. Steam will make the skin softer, and you will be able to get rid of blackheads easily. You can also make a face mask to cure acne. For this take half tablespoon of sandalwood powder, half tablespoon of fuller's earth, and add 3 - 4 drops of tea tree oil. Mix well and apply as a face pack.

#5 - Prevention
For prevention of acne following a good diet and regular exercise help a lot. So, follow the above mentioned diet tips and stay away from junk. Also, physical activity everyday for half an hour will help. Also, remember these tips to prevent breakouts. Don't touch your face. If you want to scratch an itch, then use the back of the hand, as it is less dirty. Keep changing your pillow cover every day. Avoid sharing cosmetics with anybody. If you are traveling or keep getting acne during your periods, then take additional care by keeping your skin clean, and keep the acne treatment products handy. Also, avoid exposure to sun, as it tends to make the condition worse. Last thing to remember is to remain stress-free. Some simple breathing techniques and meditation can help. Or consider going for yoga or any stress buster activity like swimming or dancing, as stress can greatly contribute to acne. Also, one needs to get adequate sleep.

So, follow a skin-friendly diet, a workout, and good skin cleansing regime to prevent and cure acne. Sometimes the skin can become extremely dry due to excessive cleansing, in such a case an oil-free moisturizer will help to keep your skin hydrated. If you want a natural moisturizer, then use aloe gel.

Well there is no alternatives and shortcut; a healthy exercise and diet regimen is the key. But the more early you start it, the better it is for you. It is proven that you can shed belly fat faster compared to older people and as you age losing belly fat becomes more challenging. Given below are some of the tips that would help you prevent the belly fat...
Avoid smoking, drug abuse, and excessive consumptions of alcohol as it adds to the problem.
An active lifestyle would help you increase your basal metabolic rate in the long run.
Try to live a stress free life as, according to some studies, stress can contribute to belly fat.
Understand the risks associated with belly fat and motivate yourself to lose the same.
Drink at least eight glass of water and keep your body well-hydrated.

These were the specific techniques and exercises that will help you reach your workout goals. Follow these tips the right way. Remember to give yourself and your body some time before you expect the results.

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