Ayurvedic Diet: 5 things you must include in your daily diet

Ayurvedic Diet: 5 things you must include in your daily diet

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicinal philosophy which talks about leading a life completely based on one’s doshas. It functions on the ideology that every person has a combination of three energy types (doshas)-- Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata signifies air and space, Pitta comprises fire and water and Kapha consists of the energy of the earth and water.
While all three energy types are present in all of us, Ayurveda emphasizes that everyone has one dominant dosha right from birth and a balance of the other two energy types. The whole philosophy of Ayurveda can be summed up in one simple line--When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use; when the diet is correct, medicine is of no need.