Beauty Tips For Oily Skin Definition

There are many products on the market for oily skin, however nothing is as good as homemade products. They are cheap, effective and fast to prepare. Please enjoy our recipes for homemede facial masks for oily skin.

Chamomile-Milfoil with Carrot Mask
Great mask, will help you to deal with shiny skin, will reduce blackheads and will improve skin condition

Medium carrot, 1 beaten egg white, 1.5 spoon of dry chamomile flowers, 1.5 spoon of dry milfoil flowers.

Dry chamomile flowers and milfoil flowers put into the bowl and fill with a glass of boiling water. Leave it under cover for around 20 minutes. In the meantime, wash and peel a carrot, and grate it. When herbs are ready, add half of the herb water into the bowl with carrot and add egg white. Mix all ingredients. Apply onto your face for 15 minutes, wash off with warm, clean water.

Normalizing Mask with Nettle
Nettle has disinfectant properties. It is recommended in taking care of oily skin and to fight dandruff.

We will need 10 young, fresh nettles (picked up from a place that's far away from traffic). Put them into blender, because you will need fresh nettle juice. If you have no access to fresh nettle, you can still use nettle tea bags - use 2 bags for a glass of boiling water, leave it under cover for 20-30 minutes.

Take another glass and mix 2 spoons of oat meals with 1/3 glass of warm milk and mix it good. Add nettle infusion and mix once again.

Apply the mask onto your face for about 15 minutes and wash it off with warm water.

Mask for oily skin with dilated pores and prone to pimples
Mix a spoon of ground pansies, a spoon of powdered horsetail, a teaspoon of fresh yeast with boiled water. Put gauze moistened in warm boiled water on your face, take off after about 20 minutes. Wash the leavings with toner.
Having oily skin sometimes requires treatments at the beauticians. They can help you clean your face of bacterias, remove blackheads and regulate sebum secretion. Please check the list of treatments you may consider for oily skin type.

Removing blackheads
Regulating sebaceous glands functioning
Narrowing skin pores
Exfoliating the epidermis
Providing oxygen
Improving skin microcirculation
Hydradermabrasion - this treatment has special effect on the skin. Hydradermabrasion treatment peels and cleanse your skin by deeply hydrating your skin. It also provides active ingredients to your skin
The beautician will choose treatments depending on your skin state. Oily skin should be cleaned regularly every four or five weeks. It may also be helpful to a series of 5 – 10 treatments to calm skin and improve its appearance.
Having oily skin can be big trouble for anyone, with unruly sebaceous glands piling sebum (oil) onto your skin. Furthermore, over-active oil glands make it more likely that your skin will develop the dreaded acne. But over-active glands aren't the only reason why acne pops up on your face/body since changes in hormone activity and added stress also create imbalanced sebaceous glands. Both pregnancy and some birth control products can cause your oil glands to get a little out of whack too.

Luckily there are safe, organic, and easy-to-do home remedies that people can use for oily skin. But before we get into these home remedies, it's worth discussing a few general tips first.

General Tips for Dealing with Oily Skin

Fresh lemons
A valuable tip for those with oily skin is to cleanse the dermis only as often as it's needed. For some this will be twice daily, while others can get away with only cleansing once a day. It should be mentioned that women who wear makeup need to cleanse before they apply makeup and before going to bed to remove any dirt, excess oil, dead skin cells, and debris left on the skin. Use a homemade cleanser to ensure that you're not adding any harmful chemicals to your skin.

Here are a few homemade cleansers for you to try tonight:

Scented Face and Body Cleanser

Try using castile soap to make a face wash that also doubles as shampoo or body wash so you can combat an oily scalp and acne-prone body. Here is what you'll need:

an empty pump bottle,
liquid castile soap,
a small funnel,
and essential oils like tea tree, rosemary or lavender. All three oils are antibacterial and smell great, which provides another benefit for using a homemade cleanser suitable for both your face and body!
Pour the liquid castile soap into the clean pump bottle using the funnel; this keeps you from creating a mess.
Next, add in your choice of essential oils; you can combine them or just use one. We suggest adding 10-15 drops of tea tree oil and 10-15 drops of rosemary essential oil, but those are only suggestions.

Shake the bottle before pumping the soap onto your hand. Use this on your oily scalp or body, but don't use this cleanser to remove eye makeup.

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